Friday, October 29, 2010

The Wheel of Time...

"The Wheel of Time turns, and ages come and go. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the shadow. Let the dragon ride again on the winds of time"
Robert Jordan.
I have never been a big reader of any kind of books. While I have a general draw and interest of stories I have never really been able to sit down and read a book for a an hour without falling asleep. Very few books have kept my interest so much that I haven't fell asleep while drifting through its pages.
Lately I have been reading a few books, well maybe i should clarify that statement and say I have been listening to a few books. This past summer I listened to the following books.
Harry Potter 1-7 Done.
FableHaven 1-5 Done.
then I started the last one.
The Wheel of Time Series. I started book six just before school started and now I will have to start it again during the next vacation time.
I could listen and work, although not as effectively, to the storyline. I really liked it and was able to get through the book in less than a week.
It surprises me how many people have read these books. I have even come across women who enjoy this series and admit it. With pride in their voice they say things like, "I'm on book nine!"

When I saw that three of my coworkers where reading this book I decided that I would make room for it. first started to read this book I thought this is going to be so lame. Shortly after the story begins it has the main characters start out on the run.
Needless to say the book was great and I moved on to the next book. They just get better and better. However there are a few similarities between two other novels which I will relate next week.
Until then. Adieu.

1 comment:

  1. Has James talked your ear off about the Wheel of Time yet? He's going to get his book (the newest one is released tonight at midnight) today and have it signed by Brandon Sanderson. He is doing the whole geeky wait-in-line thing, but thankfully he chose not to camp out all weekend. :P
